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FAQs about Getting Started in coreplus!
FAQs about Getting Started in coreplus!

Frequently asked questions when you are new to coreplus!

Updated over 2 weeks ago

Our FAQs are based on the most commonly asked questions by our coreplus community. This section focuses on questions asked when you are just getting started in coreplus. Each collection has its own FAQ article, simply navigate to the collection to find each article for our most frequently asked questions!

This article covers:

Is it possible to import data into coreplus?

Yes, that is possible. Please follow the steps provided here: Import data into coreplus

I have added a new user and we haven't received the log-on email?

Sometimes it can take a little bit of time for the email to come through saying the account has been created. Should the email not have come through within 5 minutes, please contact us on live chat or via email at

Please find a detailed step by step guide here: Add a practitioner or receptionist

We also offer a guide for each access level, taking you on a setup journey step by step: Setting up a new user

How can I find a particular invoice? Can I search a client by his phone number?

Yes, you indeed can. You can use our shortcut/search function. Enter an invoice number or a client's phone number and hit enter. See a detailed step by step guide here: Shortcuts and search functions in coreplus

Do you offer training guides for new staff?

Yes absolutely. Feel free to check out our free Training guides for Practitioners/Case Managers, Reception/Admin Staff, or Owners/Supervisors/Practice Managers.

I would like to enable quantity invoicing so I can avoid adding multiple service items? Do you offer that?

We absolutely do. Simply head to your Interface Settings. You can find a detailed step by step guide here: Quantity invoicing

I forgot my password. How can I reset it?

Any user can reset their password.

1. From the log on page, click on Reset it now, or alternatively you can reset your password from this link
​2. Enter your username, confirm that you're not a robot, then click RESET PASSWORD

I added a new user and they can't don't seem to have access to colleagues' clients or any reports?

πŸ’‘ This means that you haven't shared clients with the new user yet or/and permissions have not been adjusted accordingly.

Please see our detailed step by step guide for sharing your clients with colleagues here: Client sharing

Supervisors can adjust Case Managers or Admins feature permissions. Check out our feature permission guide: Feature Permissions

Each access level has different permissions, you can find a summary here: Users and Permissions

Can you use coreplus all over Australia?

coreplus is a national company and can be used nationwide! As it is web-based it is accessible from anywhere.

We are currently optimised for the Australian allied health space, however, are looking at expanding internationally in the future. Whilst you are more than welcome to start a free trial and use the software, you will notice limitations with the address fields in the client records, SMS appointment reminders, and several of our Add-Ons.

What pricing options does coreplus offer?

Here at coreplus, not every business fits the same model so we cater to our clients by providing four different tiers for pricing. You can see a breakdown of our pricing on our website:

Is it possible to permanently delete a client file?

A client file can never be deleted from coreplus. When you delete a client file, it can be found under the Deleted tab via Clients > Deleted.

Is it possible to permanently delete a user?

You can't delete a user in coreplus. However, they can be made inactive so that you can make them active again in the future via My Account > Users > click on the account > change the status of the client > Save.

Can I recover an invoice after deleting it?

Unfortunately, once deleted, invoices can't be recovered.

How can I add a new client?

A new client can be added via Dashboard > Clients > New client.

Please, see here for more details.

How can I upgrade my plan?

You can upgrade your plan via My Account > Subscription > Change > click on the plan > tick the boxes > Update Subscription.
Please, see here for more details.

What type of access should I give to a user so that they have access to everything in the account?

If you want to give a user access to everything on the account, then you'd want to give them Supervisor access.
You can learn more about users and their permissions here.

Can I scan files directly into coreplus?

Unfortunately, it's currently not possible to scan files directly into coreplus.

Please let us know if you have any questions and don't forget to rate this help article below so that we can continue to improve our support to you!

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