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Add a client

Add a new client to your practice through the dashboard, client list or calendar

Updated over a week ago

There are three ways to add new clients into coreplus. If you are moving over to coreplus from another practice management system (welcome!), we have made the move easier for you by importing your clients to coreplus, just follow the steps in that article and we'll do the rest.

And here are the explanation of all the fields within a client's file:

Add a client from the menu panel

1. From the Dashboard, click on the + symbol 
2. Enter the client details and click Create Client to finalise

💡 You can find the create client button at the top or bottom of the page

Add a client from the client list

1. From the Client List, click on + New Client
2. Enter the client details and click Create Client to finalise

💡 You can find the create client button at the top or bottom of the page

Add a client from the calendar

1. From the Calendar, double click into a time slot and click on New Client

2. Enter the client details and click Create Client to save and continue making an appointment

💡 You can find the create client button at the top or bottom of the page

Explanation of all Client Detail fields

  • Client Name: The client's title, first name, middle name & surname can be entered here. 

  • Preferred Name: The client's preferred name can be entered here.

  • Pronouns: The client's preferred pronoun

  • DOB: Date of Birth of the client. Clicking the date will open up a calendar allowing the date to be easily selected. The date by default is preset to 01/01/2000.

  • Culture: The clients preferred culture

  • Case Manager: The practitioner that will be assigned to the client. It is important to note that 'Case Managers' will not be able to see this drop-down list (They will only see their name!). Only users with 'Administrator' or 'Supervisor' access will be able to see the drop-down list. 

  • Gender: Select the gender of the client from the drop-down list.

  • Email: Email address of the client.

  • Client Group: Client groups can be used to categorize clients into custom groups that have been previously set by the practitioner. Adding and Deleting these groups can be done through the 'Edit' button.

  • Residential Address: Address the client resides in.

  • Postal Address: The address the client would like to have items emailed to. If it is the same as the Residential address, the 'as above' check box can be checked and the postal address will automatically be filled out.

  • Contact Numbers: The different contact numbers the client has.

Explanation of Medical Demographics

  • Claim Number: Clients health insurance claim number

  • Medicare Card: Medicare number of the client. coreplus automatically validates this number to ensure it is valid and will alert the user if otherwise.

  • Medicare Expiry: Expiry date of the medicare card. The date can be selected from the calendar that appears when the text area is clicked into. 

  • Concession: concession groups can be used to categorize clients into groups 

  • DVA File Number: Department of Veterans' Affairs

  • Fund: Private Health fund for clients with private health insurance

  • Fund Member No.: Client's private health fund membership number

NDIS Plan Details

An exact breakdown for the NDIS field can be found here: Track NDIS Participant Plan Details

Explanation of Other Details

Practitioners can work from numerous locations and need a way to distinguish which client is being seen at which site. 

Case Status:
A client's file would be set to current when the client is still being seen. Their file will remain open and their name can be searched in the client list.

A client's file would be set to closed when the client is no longer being seen. Their details and information will remain in the system, for future reference, but their names won't appear in the client list. This is done, so the practitioner still has access to the files. When a practitioner has a large number of clients, this is very useful to keep the client list tidy.

Disclosure refers to the sensitivity a practitioner has to a client file. Practitioners have the option to choose from full, partial, or none, each having its own level of sensitivity.

  • Full: Full disclosure means the practitioner can feel safe sharing the client's information with persons of interest (family members or related health professionals).

  • Partial: Partial means the practitioner can share limited information with persons of interest (family members or related health professionals).

  • None: None means the practitioner should share absolutely no information about the client with anyone.

Market Source:
The market source refers to how the client found out about the business or practitioner. This is a great way to establish where the clients are coming from and allows businesses to invest money in areas knowing it will profit them. Market sources can be added, edited, and deleted through the 'Edit' button.

Marketing Consent:
Indicates whether the client has given consent to have marketing material sent to them.

🚀 Did you know that our add-on Sanpforms allows clients to fill out and submit forms through which client files can automatically be created automatically in coreplus?

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