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SMS a client

Send a manual SMS to a client or other contacts within your coreplus account.

Updated over a week ago

Needing to remind your client to bring in an x-ray or their referral documents to the next appointment, why not send a manual SMS?
This article includes:


3. Send SMS from an appointment
πŸ’Ž By default the SMS Appointment Reminder to the client will show in the timezone of the practitioner. If you would prefer the time sent to be in the client's timezone, reach out to support via Live Chat or email us at and we can enable this feature for you.

Send SMS from the Dashboard

1. From the Dashboard, click on Communication, then Send SMS
​2. Enter a mobile number, or click on the + icon to add a contact

3. Type your message, then click Send Message

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πŸ’‘ View sent and received messages via the Sent & Received SMS History button

Send SMS from a client's overview page.

1. From the client's Overview page click on Send SMS

2. Type out your message and then click Send Message.

Send SMS from an appointment

1. From within the Calendar screen, right-click on the appointment and select Send Manual SMS
​2. Type out your message and then click Send Message.

πŸ’‘ Note: SMS has a 1000 character limit and is billed per 160 characters.

See similar articles relating to sending an SMS to a Client:

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