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Availability report

Get a detailed insight on your practitioners' availability schedules

Updated over a week ago

This newly released custom report can display a variety of data relating to your practitioner's availability schedules. 

Some elements within the report include location, practitioner, current week number, date, scheduled hours, booked hours, and a percentage of how many hours have been allocated within the schedule.

This should give you insights into the utilization of your practitioner's time, and where you perhaps may need to assign extra staff.

💡Please note, as this report is based on schedules for practitioners at specific sites, schedules need to be mapped to a site for them to be displayed - Schedules with Location set as Any will not appear.

This report can be accessed under Reports > Custom > Availability 


Appointments between - Date range to look for appointments

Booked for - Which practitioner the appointments are for 

Site States - Filter the report based on certain States

Generate - Generates the report 

CSV Export - Downloads the report in a CSV format that can be opened up in Microsoft Excel for further analysis 

💡 Filtering based on Site States will only work as expected if your site details are populated with a postcode, click here to learn how to edit/add a site

Report Elements

Location - Location/site for the schedule

Practitioner - Assigned practitioner to the schedule

Week Number - Number of the week within the schedule

Date - Date within the schedule 

Scheduled Hours - Hours available in the practitioner's schedule 

Booked Hours - Booked appointment hours assigned to the practitioner

Percentage - Total booked hours divided by the number of scheduled hours


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