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Setting up Sites (Locations)

Creating, editing and deleting your practice locations (sites)

Updated over a week ago

Adding your practice locations via sites allows you to run your entire practice within the one coreplus account. Once locations have been setup, this will enable you to add provider numbers, allocate clients and appointments to different locations.

πŸ’‘ This must be completed by a user who is a supervisor or with data access to sites

πŸ’‘ If you choose not to add any sites, appointments, clients and invoices will be allocated to the default location 'Main Site'

Create a location (site)

1. From the Dashboard, click on Setup and select Settings from the drop down menu.

2. Click on Sites, then click Add Site

3. Fill out the relevant site information and click Save Site.

Edit a Location (Site)

1. From the Dashboard

2. Click on Setup and select Settings from the drop down menu

3. Click on Sites, then click on Actions next to the site you wish to edit information for. Proceed with the below options:

4. Proceed with the change as required and enquire to select save or update to finalise your changes.

Delete a Location (Site)

πŸ’‘ Deleting a site is permanent and will remove the location and provider numbers linked with that site, this includes the provider number and location selected on historical invoices. This action cannot be undone.

1. From your Dashboard, click on Setup then Settings, and then Sites under Administration

2. Click on Actions next to the site you wish to delete, then from the drop-down options, click Delete. From the next pop up screen, confirm that you would like to delete the site

πŸ’‘ If clients are linked with the site, you will not be able to delete the site until they have been transferred to another site. You can learn how to transfer clients between sites here

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