10 articles
Case notesWrite and save clinical notes for a client's session.
Download/Extract Case notesDownload and extract a copy of your client's case notes.
Case note templatesCreate, edit and delete templates for use when entering case notes.
Saving draft notesWhere to find a saved draft note, and convert it into a finalised case note.
Apply a custom data entry to a client fileAdd or edit extra information for a client which isn't captured by the details section
Fill out a questionnaireFill out a questionnaire for a client's file
Record medicationsAdd, edit or delete a medication record for a client
Document injuries and annotate chartsAdd, edit or delete an injury/illness report or an annotated body chart to a client's file.
Create a questionnaire templateCreate an intake form or set of questions to ask your clients
Create a custom data templateManage or extract your custom data sets to record more information about a client