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Create a Claim (HSP)

Create a claim that can then be submitted to the Hearing Services Program

Updated over 6 months ago

For the Hearing Services Program, there are 7 possible claim types, listed below from approximately most to least frequent:

1. Assessment

2. Fittings/Device(s)
3. Maintenance

4. Replacements
5. Review
6. Rehabilitation
7. Spare Aid

💡 Although all these claim types need to follow the same data structure when combined into a batch, they have differing levels of detail that needs to be provided to support these claims.

For all item codes, there is both:

HSP Subsidy - Static value defined by HSP

Client Payment - Variable depending on Fully or Partially subsidised OR DVA client.

For the item codes that reference device(s) -Fitting (Initial, Subsequent or Re-fit), Replacements etc. There needs to also be device details, subsidy amounts and costs to clients shown.

With the exception of Assessments and all other fully subsidised clients, there will need to be a patient contribution made prior to the submission of the claim, leaving the subsidy (rebate) to be paid by HSP outstanding.

Create a claim:

1. Go to Client File > Hearing Services

2. Select Create Invoice

3. Fill out the Invoice form with the required details (ie. Date, Duration, Location and you can also link to an appointment if needed)

4. Click Add Item > Enter the Item code required

5. Enter a Cost to client if required

6. If applicable enter the Device Details (Left and or Right)

7. Fill out the rest of the Device details (ie. Date of fitting/ 3FAHL value/ Cost to client if applicable)

8. To record payment view below section

9. Enter Maintenance Information if needed

10. Click Save

💡 If there is an item on the invoice that is not claimable with HSP, you can toggle the Claimable switch to not include this in the claim, while still remaining on the invoice.

💡 Once created, you can view the claim/invoice under Invoicing.

Record payment on a claim

There are two options to record payment on a claim.

A) While entering the Device Details (Step 4 in the above steps) you can select Add Payment and then fill out the payment record accordingly.

B) Once the Device Details have been entered, from the main Create Invoice page, you can select the $ under Actions to record payment.

Maintenance Information

If there is a Maintenance Cost/Agreement you will need to enter that information on the invoice.

1. Under Maintenance Information select the Actions Pencil icon

2. Enter in the Cost to Client and Cost to Client GST

3. Select Add Payment

4. Fill out the payment information and click Confirm
5. Click Save

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