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New user profile, features permissions and calendar sharing
New user profile, features permissions and calendar sharing

User profile, feature permissions, calendar sharing

Updated over 6 months ago

When adding a new user, they often have varying roles and require different access depending on their position within the practice.

There are several different features within coreplus that pertain to a new user that you will want to be aware of.

User Profile

The User Profile allows you to customise your newly added users' information. This includes name, mobile number, email notification address, email address, email signature, position within the company, profile image etc.
You can access this via Set Up > Settings > User Profile
You can select the user you want to change in the top right corner of the User List drop-down menu.


πŸ’‘ Only someone with Supervisor access will be able to access this area.

πŸ’‘ If you want the new user to appear in the client portal, ensure the correct specialty is selected in their user profile.

Feature Permissions

Feature permissions allow you to control what your users can see and do. For example, you can restrict your receptionist so they can only view basic client details or allow your accountant to see your financial reports.

Here is a step-by-step help guide on Feature Permissions

πŸ’‘ Only supervisors can change feature permissions

Client Sharing

Every client has an allocated case manager to their file. By default, a case manager can only view clients that they are allocated to a case manager.

Your new user may need access to other users client's or vice versa.

Client Access and Client Sharing enable the sharing of single client files or entire caseloads between case managers.

Here is a step-by-step on Client Sharing

Calendar Sharing

A Case Manager is the only user who can share their calendar with another user.

Sharing your calendar with new users and having them share theirs with you ensures they have access to your availability to book clients on your behalf and vice versa.

You can allow them to share, create, edit, or delete your appointments.
Here is a step-by-step guide on Calendar Sharing

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