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Transferring clients between sites

Manage clients and transfer them between sites

Updated over 6 months ago

It can be tedious to transfer clients to a new site, especially when there's a large volume of clients. To facilitate this process, you can use the option of transferring all clients from one site to another.

πŸ“ Check out more about how to create sites

πŸ’‘ Client transfers like this are permanent and will remove clients from the previous site and assign them to the new site. If there are 10 clients in Site-A and 5 clients in Site-B, after transferring from Site-A to Site-B, there will be 0 clients at Site-A and Site-B will have 15. There is no way to undo this or change the site of only the 10 clients that were moved.

How to transfer clients between sites

1. Navigate to Dashboard > Setup > Settings and choose Sites under Administration
​2. Click on the site whose clients you wish to transfer. In this example, we want to move the clients from Main Site to the Geelong Clinic - so we click on Main Site and in the resulting Site Actions pop-up, click on Transfer Clients.

3. Choose which site to transfer to and then click Transfer

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