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COVID-19 Resource Hub

Links & Resources to help navigate your Allied Health practice through the impact from COVID-19

Updated over a week ago

Below is a list that we will be updating with key links and resources that you may find useful in helping you develop and implement your own COVID-19 Health Practice or Clinic Response:

The changes we have made in responding to COVID-19 for our Subscribers:

(NB: some of these initiatives for healthcare practice or clinic owners and your teams are provided as support suggestions only should you not already have these already addressed within your COVID-19 policies/ procedures already being implemented.):

  • We have prioritised our development to address and respond to our subscribers needs which will include releasing a fully digital health compliant tele-health capability to our extended customer community (Further announcements pending)

  • A pre-screening online booking notice and procedure has been developed and released, to help you implement COVID-19 online booking pre-screening notices setting out instructions for your clients who are becoming aware of COVID-19 like symptoms and instructing them to call your reception for further instructions.

  • A practice CLIENT-ALERT template has been created and released, to help you implement a procedure for physically attending clients to read before entering your healthcare practice or clinic.

  • Content & Support for Healthcare Practice & Clinic owners on how to respond to coronavirus (COVID-19) e.g. patient/ client communications and digital health service delivery to deal with social distancing and it’s impact on healthcare providers, healthcare practices and clinic owners.

  • Created a guide on adding the new COVID-19 and telehealth item codes added to the MBS to your coreplus account here

Three-Week Intensive Course: Psychology Redesigned: Deliver Your Services Online - A step by step program to succesfully navigate through COVID-19 and beyond.

This course will help establish and promote your online services, implement the right technology solutions, abide by relevant legislation, manage your cash flow and deliver psychology services online.  (Without wasting time, confusion or breaching the AHPRA guidelines and Privacy Law.)  You can register for this course here

Download the recording of the Free Webinar & Live Q&A: Reimaging Healthcare: Patient Communications & Digital Health Service Delivery (Including setting up telehealth)

To help with Digital Health Service Delivery, Our Founder and CEO Yianni Serpanos delivered a free Webinar and Live Q&A on Tuesday 24th, March 2020 at 8:00PM AEDST to over 900 registered health professionals on how to implement Telehealth whilst keeping in mind digital health service delivery.  Megan Walker from Market Savvy also presented on client communications.  
This is great planning information on getting the steps and key things in place to help navigate your allied health practice through COVID-19.  Download the recording here, Yianni's presentation commences at around 18 minutes with Q&A with the group throughout the livestream.

Key Information Links:

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