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Appointment to invoice creator

Making batch invoices through the appointment creator

Updated over a month ago

This is a useful function in coreplus that allows users to create batches of invoices based on client appointments with only a couple of clicks! This way, you don't have to manually go into the client files and create each invoice separately.

🛑 Make sure you have an invoice template, provider number, service type, appointment types, and client groups added before you create your first batch invoice(s).

💡 The generated invoices can be found within the individual client files

💡 You can choose to include Unbillable appointments if needed

Navigating to the Appointment Creator

1. From our Dashboard, we navigate to Data > Batch Jobs.

2. In the Invoicing section, click on Appointment to Invoice Creator

Creating batch Invoices

From this page, we can specify the date range of the appointments we want to create invoices for. The selection criteria allows you to narrow your search further.

1. Click the check box [Exclude invoiced appointments] to exclude appointments that already have invoices generated > Find Appointments to retrieve the appointments.

2. Select Find Appointments to retrieve the appointments. Then specify your criteria. This section allows you to specify which services to the bill, the recipient, and template type and you can make additional notes on the invoice.

3. Click Date/Time, this will select all appointments. Alternatively, you can tick only the appointments you want to generate an invoice for.

4. Once you choose your appointments, click Next to proceed.

5. Clicking the checkbox Match to the appointment, populates the practitioner field of the invoice with information from the appointment.

💡Alternatively, un-tick the check box to assign a single practitioner to all invoices. Click the Create Invoices button to generate the invoices (you may need to affirm a browser notification confirming your actions)

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