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Finding clients with no appointments

This article will help you find clients who never booked an appointment with you

Updated over 5 months ago

Although coreplus doesn't have any particular report on clients who have never booked an appointment with your practice, we have come up with a smart workaround that will help you generate this report with the help of data backups.
For this, you'll need to run two data backups, one for all the clients and the other for all the appointments booked in your account.

Running the data backups

1. Go to Setup > Settings > Data Backup > Run New Backup > tick Appointments under Client Data > click Save Backup

You can see below how to run a data backup:

2. Go to Dashboard > Clients > click Instant Backup

You can see below how to run an instant data backup:

3. After you've run the backups, paste the data from the text document into an excel sheet

You can see below how to do this:

Processing the data in excel

After transferring the data from the backups into excel, you'll need to reformat and process them so that they can be compared and the clients with no appointments can be identified.

1. Trimming the data:

In the Appointments backup, remove all the information except for the clientID and clientName.

And in the Instant Backup, remove all the information except for the clientID, title, firstname, middlename, preferredname, and surname.

2. Combining the data:

Once the data has been trimmed, just copy all the data from the Appointments backup and paste it into the Instant Backup and save it.

3. Finding the duplicate values:

After combining the data, select all the data and then go to Home > Conditional formatting > Highlight Cell Rules > Duplicate Values > OK. This will highlight all the duplicate cells in red meaning these cells are present in both the 'Appointments' section and in the 'Instant backup' section.

That means the Client Ids that are red are the ones with appointments. So, the Client Ids that have not been highlighted are the ones that have never booked an appointment.

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