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Equipment Check for Telehealth by coreplus

If this is your first time using Telehealth by coreplus, please find some helpful information here!

Updated over a week ago

New to Telehealth by coreplus? Great! You don't need to download an app or create a user log-in.

Your practitioner will provide you with a link at the time of your booking or close by. We recommend clicking on the link rather than copying and pasting it!

Once you have clicked on the link, depending on the device you are using you will be asked if you want to allow your device to use your microphone or/and camera. Please select ALLOW โœ”๏ธ here, so that the Telehealth by coreplus session can gain access to your camera and microphone, so you can communicate with your practitioner. Simply enter your name and join the Telehealth by coreplus session!

โŒ Should you have selected disallow, you may be required to adjust your Phone/Laptop/ Tablet Browser settings, please see the below article:

Please let us know if you have any questions and don't forget to rate this help article below, so that we can continue to improve our support to you!

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