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Appointment Types for Telehealth by coreplus

Create your appointment types for Telehealth by coreplus

Updated over 5 months ago

When using telehealth by coreplus you can separate your face to face and telehealth booking with appointment types. These appointment types can display different colours within your calendar, showing you a clear overview of your day. You can also map these appointment types with your specialty so that they appear within your client portal.

The below steps will clarify more about appointment types for telehealth.

Step 1: Create an Appointment Type. For example, call the appointment type: Telehealth by coreplus:

Step 2 (only required for client portal use): So that your appointment type is visible within your client portal. Ensure to map Appointment Types to your Specialties.

Step 3: Ensure that you have enabled the Appointment Type within your Telehealth by coreplus add on. Simply go to Setup > Add Ons > Telehealth by coreplus > and enable the Appointment Type:

Your Telehealth sessions are now ready to proceed with!

πŸ›‘ The Telehealth by coreplus feature will only be available on appointments created after telehealth has been enabled. If you want to use telehealth on existing appointments, you'll need to re-create or reschedule them to activate telehealth.

πŸ’‘ You can right click on an appointment and 'Launch' the Telehealth by coreplus session without opening the appointment.

πŸ“ Once you have enabled Telehealth by coreplus, we recommend to adjust your SMS or Email Reminder. Adjusting your SMS and Email reminder means that your clients automatically receive their telehealth link.

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