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Dashboard Overview

A summary of the important details that you don't want to miss when you first log in to your account.

Updated over 5 months ago

This feature will provide you with a summary of the things you needed to do, reminders, and appointment summaries when you first log in.

Below is a breakdown of all the features in dashboard:

My Appointment today:
This will provide you with a list of today's upcoming appointments.

View Appointments:
You can click on the appointment listed or click on the view appointments button for you to be directed to the calendar to view appointments created.

Admin Notes:
You can view the list of TO DO/IN PROGRESS Admin notes, whereas notes marked as DONE will be mapped to the client file. For complete information about admin notes, click on this article: Admin notes


Reminders are a great way to trigger a one-off pop-up message when accessing a client file or account Dashboard. Perhaps you need to remember to ask your client to sign a consent form or remind your receptionist to finalise an owing invoice. Use Reminders like you would a post-it note. For complete information about admin notes, click on this article: Create Reminder

The noticeboard can be used as a way to communicate important messages across your whole practice quickly and easily. Everybody can view the noticeboard from their dashboard as soon as they log in to coreplus. However, only users with the correct permissions can edit what appears on it. For complete information about admin notes, click on this article: Noticeboard

Appointment Totals:
Counts the appointment for the last 7 days, including today. There's no way to change this default count.

Appointment Trends:
Let you view the graphical image of the appointments within the Month for Billable, Cancelled, and No Show.

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