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SMS all clients

The easiest way to send a mass SMS to your clients

Updated over a week ago

If you need to communicate via SMS with your clients, follow the guide below to enter their contact information into the recipient field without selecting each name individually.
๐Ÿ’ก The following steps will require an export and then a slight adjustment in Excel to paste them into the recipient field.

๐Ÿ’Ž By default, the SMS Appointment Reminder sent to the client will show in the practitioner's timezone. If you would prefer the time sent to be in the client's timezone, reach out to support viaย Live Chatย or email us atย, and we can enable this feature for you.

Send an SMS to all clients

To get a list of all your client's mobile numbers, you must complete a Data Backup of client details.
Instructions on how to complete this can be found in our existing guides:

SMS within a date range

If you'd like to contact clients with appointments within a set date range, you can export these details from our booked report.

1. From the Dashboard, click on Reports > Calendar
โ€‹2. Click on Booked Appointments > Select a date range and click Run Report
โ€‹3. Click Download and follow the below steps for either mobile number or email address

Preparing the data in Excel

Once you have the text file with the emails or mobile numbers you would like to contact, you can follow the steps below to prepare them for use in coreplus.
We will use the Mailing Labels email addresses export as an example, but if you are looking for mobile numbers, the same steps will apply to the client details file from your Data Backup.

1. Open the file using the File > Open menu option in Excel

2. Insert two new columns next to the email addresses or mobile numbers OR use two blank columns next to the data you need. Then fill one column with a semicolon character and drag this down

3. In the second new column next to the first semicolon, enter the following formula:
=CONCAT(G2,H2) and drag this formula down as far as needed.

Some cells can have hidden spaces where the formula may not work. In these cases, please use the following formula: =TEXT(L2,"0000000000") & TEXT(N2,"0")

๐Ÿ›‘ The below GIF is an example - Your exact column letters may vary!

4. Click on this column and copy it

5. Paste this into the recipient field in coreplus for either Email or SMS

๐Ÿ’ก For mobile numbers that start with 0, after opening the file in the Excel sheet, you'll need to right-click on the column > Format Cells > Custom > click on 0 > enter ten zeros > Ok

๐Ÿ’กIf you need further assistance on the concatenation formula in Excel, Microsoft has a great help article here

Please let us know if you have any questions,ย and don't forget to rate this help article below so that we can continue to improve our support!

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