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Troubleshooting PRODA

Resolve common PRODA error messages

Updated over a week ago

With the transition to PRODA comes new error messages when submitting claims. Below are the most common errors and the best way to troubleshoot and resolve them.

Validation Error:

  • Type code must either be P,D or S - Value NULL

  • If type code is either P or D, period must be full. Value: Type =, Period=

  • If type code is S, Period code cannot be empty, TypeCode=, PeriodCode = S3

  • Validation Error Period code must be valid. Value: N

Action: Please select under Referral / Request Information, the Request Type as Specialist and the Referral Override Code as N/A, and the Referral Period to 12 months then change 'Send request now' to YES and Update Invoice.

Validation Error - Period code must be S

Error: Period code must be S = Standard. Value: I

Action: Change the Referring Period under the Referral\Request Information section to 12 Months instead of Indefinite or N/A

Validation Error - Provider number must be 8 characters long

PRODA now requires provider numbers to be eight characters long; you can solve this by entering a 0 at the beginning of the number.

Error 9202 - Invalid value [NAME} or [STREET ADDRESS]

  • Invalid value of [NAME] supplied for Patient Given Name. The value supplied must contain alpha (A-Z and a-z), numeric (0-9), space ( ), apostrophe (') and hyphen (-) characters only. Spaces must not appear before or after apostrophes, hyphens, other spaces or the supplied value. The value must contain at least one alpha or numeric character.

  • Invalid value of [NAME] supplied for Claimant Given Name. The value supplied must contain alpha (A-Z and a-z), numeric (0-9), space ( ), apostrophe (') and hyphen (-) characters only. Spaces must not appear before or after apostrophes, hyphens, other spaces or the supplied value. The value must contain at least one alpha or numeric character.

  • Invalid value of [STREET ADDRESS] supplied for Claimant Address Line 1. The value supplied must be alpha (A-Z and a-z), numeric (0-9), space ( ), apostrophe ('), hyphen (-) and other special characters (/ , . : ; ) only. Spaces must not appear before or after other spaces or the supplied value. The value must contain at least one alpha or numeric character.

Action: Depending on the error message pointing out, adjust the field and check for white spaces, which can cause PRODA not to be able to read your claim. Whitespace can appear behind the first, last, or street address.

Error 9202 - Invalid value of [DISABILITY]

  • Invalid value of [DISABILITY] supplied for Accepted Disability Code. The value supplied must be alpha (A-Z and a-z), numeric (0-9), space ( ), apostrophe ('), hyphen (-) and other special characters (/ , . : ; ) only. Spaces must not appear before or after other spaces or the supplied value. The value must contain at least one alpha or numeric character.

    Action: For Invalid value of [DISABILITY) The Online Technical Support has advised that the acceptedDisabilityCode data element needs to be in all caps – for example: RIGHT ROTATOR CUFF SYNDROME AND LUMBAR SPONDYLOSIS

Invalid string must be 40 characters long

Invalid string: the maximum length must be at most 40 (got 43)

Action: This occurs when a client's address has been all put in one row. This tends to happen if the client has an address inclusive of an apartment number. I.E Appartment1512, Promenade Avenue 10 Smith Street. You can fix it if you update the client's details to 10 Smith Street.

🛑 If you remove the spacing and keep the numbers, for example, 1512 10 Smith Street, you will get the 9202 error invalid value of the street address.


This error occurs with invoices that were created on the old PKI Technology, prior to you transitioning across to web services.

You are unable to submit these via Web Services.

Action: Re-create the invoice and submit it. Once successfully submitted you can delete the original invoice.

💡 You may want to unlink the original invoice from the original appointment so that you can link the new invoice.

COREPLUS_EXCEPTION - Sequence contains no matching element

This error usually occurs when there is a space in the Item Number/Service Type title.

For instance, previously EP 11 was accepted by the adapter when claiming, now the service type title needs to be EP11 without the space.

It can also occur if there is a space at the end of the Item Number/Service Type title, which can be hard to spot as you can't edit the Item Number.
As shown in the screenshot below, there is a space highlighted after the 6.

Action: Go to Set Up > Settings > Service Types > Select the service type attached to the claim you are trying to submit > Check for spaces.

If there are spaces, you are unable to edit the Item Number of existing service types for historical purposes, so you will need to create a new one minus the space.

Once completed, select the new service type/Item number in the invoice and submit.

💡 Multiple symbols ( + = @ $ _ ***) and excessive spaces in the description can also cause the error.

ValidationError - Patient contribution must be less than or equal to charge amount. Value:

This error occurs when the payment made by the client is higher than the fee of the item number.

Action: Go to Client file > Invoicing > Actions > Edit > under Billing Information, edit the fee manually by clicking on it so that the fee and the payment are equal, then click on Update Invoice.

2030: The Servicing Provider must not be the same person as the Payee Provider.

This happens when the Principal Provider Number is set to Auto-select based on servicing provider.

Action: Go to Setup > Add-ons > Medicare > Set Defaults > under Principal Provider Number (payment directed to), tick User can change this when claiming > Save

Error 9601 - The claim needs to be referred to the Customer Service Officer.

Error: The claim needs to be assessed by a Customer Service Officer

Action: This claim was not processed automatically through Medicare Online. The claim will be manually reviewed and processed by Medicare and the patient/claimant will be informed of the outcome. The patient/claimant should be informed of this outcome and provided the Medicare Lodgement Advice PDF. We recommend contacting Medicare. The Medicare eBusiness phone number is 1800 700 199 and they’re open Monday – Friday between 8am – 5pm local time

Error 9204 - Date in future

The consultation date, date of birth, and or referral start date are in the future.

Action: Make sure the consultation date, date of birth or referral start date are not in the future

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