Refund/Reversing a Pin Payment

Proceeding with a pin payment refund or reversal on an invoice

Updated over a week ago

If you've made a mistake with a Pin Payment, you have the option to proceed with a reverse or refund. This guide shows you how to reverse or refund a transaction.

This article includes:

What is the difference between a refund and reversal?

The process of applying a refund or reversal is very similar, however, the end result is different.

  • When a reversal is applied, the amount owing on the invoice will change to reflect the amount reversed. In other words, the invoice will be owing an amount after the reversal is processed

  • When a refund is applied, the amount owing will remain as '$0' and a 'refund' will be recorded in the payment history. In other words, the client does not owe any further payment on the invoice.

πŸ›‘ Refunds and reversals have to be processed from coreplus, to reflect on the invoice accordingly. Partial payments or refunds are not supported via coreplus.

πŸ’‘ If you'll need to take payment again, you would need to reverse a payment, not refund the payment. However, you may need to create a new invoice to proceed with a new payment.

Applying a refund/reversal

1. Go to Invoicing and navigate to the invoice

2. Click on Action > Edit, if the invoice is locked, please proceed with Action > Unlock first

3. Scroll down to the $ button next to the service item

4. Proceed with either refund or reversal - a trigger warning will explain the outcome of either option

5. If successful, click OK to finalise and update invoice once actioned.

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