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Weekly Newsletter #56 - 26th July 2021
Weekly Newsletter #56 - 26th July 2021

Our weekly update for everything that happened last week

Updated over a week ago

Bringing you a wrap-up of product development, improvements, new features, updates, and more.

Let's get into it.

🐛 Healthlink addresses not shown in coreplus Provider Directory but present in Healthlink's directory side error now resolved

A bug is now fixed that lets users who are trying to send secure messages to search for the providers on the Healthlink network using the coreplus Provider Directory.

✔️ Tip of the week

Did you know there is a global search button under your Dashboard? Yes, there is! Use this button to search for a specific invoice based on an invoice number so that you will not have to manually find that invoice yourself!

☎️ Schedule a Phone Support with the coreplus support team: You can now book a support session with our team with options from 15 minutes up to 1 hour providing you with the time you need to go through your questions. Scheduled phone support means no hold time, no waiting for call-backs, or being stuck in our call queue! So what are you waiting for? Book a time and date here!

🎓 Become a coreplus pro: Free weekly online training

Our weekly training session is open to all coreplus customers! This is a great opportunity for new users of coreplus and new members of your practice to understand the basics of coreplus, or for anyone looking to get a bit of a refresh. We are already fully booked for the month of July, so hurry and book yourself a slot in August now!

📹New Video!

Word of mouth, referrals, adherence, compliance, positive outcomes…could the secret be in understanding your clients feelings? If it did, what enhancements could we make to healthcare service delivery? In this episode, Ricardo explains the importance of human-centered design and how, when it’s done well, it can power ideation, creation, and product or service delivery that helps customers achieve their goals. Ricardo Escalon is the Director and Principal Designer at Thought Collaborative, an Australian human-centred design agency. He’s also a veteran of the industry, with over fifteen years’ experience.

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