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Appointment Search Function

An efficient way to find availability in your calendar for certain practitioners.

Updated over a week ago

If you have a busy calendar and need to check the next possible option for a client to book an appointment, without scanning the whole calendar, then this is the right feature for you.

You can select this feature to pop up for every new appointment or you can select it manually. See both options below:

Enabling the appointment search function for all future bookings

If you wish to have this pre-set prior to booking every appointment, you can simply change the settings as per the below:

1. Click on ...More within your calendar. Choose Settings

2. Click on Other

3. Appointment Search Auto-Open set to enable

Use the appointment search function manually

Alternatively, it is possible to use this function manually without the pop-up on every appointment. To do so, please follow the below steps:

1. Click on + New Appointment

2. Enter Client details

3. Select your preferred Date and use the magnifying glass next to the date to open the search function πŸ”Ž

4. A pop-up window will come up

πŸ’‘ Make sure you don't block any pop-up windows as this may cause the feature to not work for you.

5. Once the search function window is opened, you can select the dates, days, and times as well as appointment length as required. At the top, you can select the practitioner you wish to check availability for.

6. If all info is entered, click search and choose your preferred time slot.

7. Finalise any further info before proceeding to click "save"

πŸ’‘ Depending on your calendar start time, it may show you an error saying that this is outside of the practitioner's start of the day, however as long as the time selected via the manual search is within the practitioner's schedule, you can proceed with the booking.

Please let us know if you have any questions and don't forget to rate this help article below, so that we can continue to improve our support to you!

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