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FAQ Parchment

FAQ Parchment

Updated over 3 weeks ago

Our FAQs are based on the most commonly asked questions by our coreplus community. This section focuses on questions asked when you are just getting started in coreplus. Each collection has its own FAQ article, simply navigate to the collection to find each article for our most frequently asked questions!

How do I set up my account to start prescribing?

Parchment have clear, video documentation and admin assistance on how to set up your organisation and prescribers when you sign up. Get Started For Free >

Can I write private scripts?

Yes, you can write private scripts with Parchment.

I can prescribe, but I am not a doctor. Can I use Parchment?

Yes, anyone who can prescribe can use Parchment, including dental practitioners, nurse practitioners, podiatrists, optometrists, and midwives.

What is ERX?

ERX is the national prescription delivery service that connects prescription services like ours with the pharmacies that dispense scripts. ERX is funded by the Australian government and overseen by the Australian Digital Health Agency.

What is PRODA?

PRODA stands for Provider Digital Access. It is an online service run by the Australian government that manages your provider identity and numbers.

How do I get set up on PRODA for Parchment?

Parchment have a simple onboarding process to help you navigate PRODA. To learn more Get Started For Free >

How long after I register with Parchment until I can begin to prescribe?

The process can take 5-10 business days to be approved.

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