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Organisation Tasks

A great way to keep track on tasks for your team!

Updated over 6 months ago

You may have staff members who won't see each other very often and setting tasks can be hard to keep track of. Our Organisation Tasks help set tasks for the whole team. You can update the status and due date as required or marked completed once done.

To set a task and update it, please follow the below steps:

​1. From the Dashboard select Communication

2. Select Organisation Tasks

3. Click Create Tasks to proceed

πŸ’‘ You have the option to adjust the status and due date and mark it completed as well as the date the task was completed.

πŸ’‘ This is a great tool for teams that may not cross over due to different shifts as well as being a great tool for setting tasks for yourself. It is possible to mark tasks as private and only the person who has created the tasks can see them.

Please let us know if you have any questions and don't forget to rate this help article below so that we can continue to improve our support to you!

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