Sometimes when making a health fund claim, a client may accidentally give you the wrong card or you might have accidentally entered the wrong amount to charge, here you can easily cancel your Tyro Health health fund card. Prior to cancelling a Tyro Health health fund claim, you will need to pair your tyro terminal and edit the invoice.
Navigate to the payment
1. Navigate to the Invoice
2. Under Billing Information, click on the $ sign
Cancel a private health fund
1. Under Billing Information, press the $ symbol
2. Under Payment History, alongside the Health Fund Rebate payment click Cancel
3. Select your service type, enter your patient ID, service reference and then select OK
4. On the Tyro Health terminal, swipe the patient's health fund card
5. Wait for the health fund claim to process the cancellation
6. Once the health fund claim has been cancelled, specify whether you'd like to print a receipt for your client
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