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Email Domain Authentication: DKIM and SPF
Email Domain Authentication: DKIM and SPF

Authenticate your email domain

Updated over a week ago

SPF records specify which IP addresses can send emails on behalf of a domain. The receiver's email server will check these records to verify the legitimacy of the sending domain.

DKIM is a set of keys that will tell the receiving IP that you are the original sender and nobody fraudulently has intercepted the email.

Using DKIM and SPF authentication will minimise the number of emails that fail this authentication and end up in the spam or junk folder.

To help ensure your emails from within coreplus reach your client's inboxes, you can set up your DKIM and SPF authentication for your domain.

Disclaimer: Please note that Email delivery is subject to the recipient's DMARC policy settings. While DKIM and SPF are important for email authentication and improving deliverability, they do not provide a guarantee that emails will always be delivered directly to their inbox and may end up in their Spam/Junk folder.

DKIM & SPF Records

To generate your DKIM & SPF record go to:

1. Set Up > Settings > User Profile >DKIM & SPF Records.
​2. The email domain that is entered under your User Profile will then be pulled through and you can select Generate.

Once you have clicked Generate you’ll then be presented with three records: DKIM, Email (CNAME) and SPF.

You can then copy these three records in to your domain's DNS records

💡 Everyone uses different domain providers and they can all use different names for the Settings Page where you will update your DNS record.
These can include Zone Editor, Domain Manager, DNS Manager, Zone File Settings, DNS Manager etc

💡 We are unable to assist with this step as it is domain specific, we can suggest speaking to your companies IT team or Web Admin to assist, if applicable.

Verify SPF Records

Once you have entered the generated records into your DNS records you can then verify via Set Up > Settings > User Profile > Verify SPF Records.

If the set up was completed correctly you will receive a pop up verifying the set up is completed.

🛑 It can take up to 24 hours for the records to be verified.

Configuring the DNS records

Once you have the DKIM, Email (CNAME) and SPF, you'll need to configure these details in your DNS records.

While entering the DNS records, the domain name is not included so the Host name or Alias will be as follows:

DKIM-> mx._domainkey / pic._domainkey (Enter either according to your domain settings)
SPF -> (blank)
CNAME -> email

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