By default, all files can be edited, moved, and deleted. The lock feature allows supervisors to lock specific files which restrict others from editing/moving/deleting the files until the file is unlocked.
Locking a file
To lock a file, navigate to any file section through the following paths:
1. Dashboard > Files
2. Dashboard > Clients > [choose client] > Files
Once you have located the file you wish to lock, simply right-click on the file and select the 'Lock' option
Unlocking a file
Similar to locking a file, we first navigate to the files section in the dashboard or within a client file. The following options are possible:
1. Dashboard > Files
2. Dashboard > Clients > [choose client] > Files
Once you have located the locked file (marked with a lock icon), right-click and select the 'Unlock' option
Trying to perform a restricted action on a locked file (moving/editing/deleting) will result in the following error message
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